
Welcome to my blog! My name’s Anthony Smith. I’m 26 years old and happily married to the girl of my dreams. We currently live in Chattanooga, Tennessee with our cat Kylo. Some of my hobbies include Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, reading, watching The Office with my wife, skateboarding, skydiving, and of course writing.  I live a life of passion and gratitude towards my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for redeeming me from the lifestyle of drug addiction and sin that I was in 5 years ago. I created this blog to share the gift of writing I believe God has given me, and to shine His light through thoughtful reflections about life and the Bible. I pray you experience the bright and shining beauty of Christ, and that He receives all the glory!

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” – Matthew 5:16

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