Glorious is He: A poem of praise (Post #24)


Glorious is He: A Poem of Praise

Your existence is eternal

What a mind expanding thought

You were there at the beginning

Although time itself was not


You’re characters unchanging

You’re the standard of what’s right

With a righteousness that’s shining

Brighter than the morning light


Your sovereigntys unmatchable

Your purposes will stand

Whatsoever comes to pass

Is brought forth by your hand


You’re holy and transcendant

You’re distant yet so near

Our only proper attitude

Is reverential fear


Your wisdom is unsearchable

Your knowledge far too deep

You work all things together

For the good of all your sheep


Your mercy’s new each morning

Every day is full of grace

We see you through a darkened glass

But one day face to face


Your beauty’s ever present

In the work done by your hands

Your power and divinity

Is clear throughout the lands


Your plan’s often mysterious

Your sovereign plan so strange

But I know one day looking back

There’s nothing I would change


Your nature is a mystery

Holy triune three in one

You’re guiding all of history

Through Christ your only son


He’s the Word made flesh incarnate

Truly God and truly man

Who came to die for sinners

By God’s preappointed plan


He’s the shepherd of the sheep fold

Yet the lamb slain for our sin

He’s the door in which we walk through

As the Father draws us in


He’s the wisdom of the Father

And our righteousness alone

He’s the reason we come boldly

As Gods children to the throne


He’s the prophesied messiah

Suffering servant and our king

He’s the resurrected savior

Who came to take away deaths sting


If ever I should question

Gods unfailing love for me

I’ll forever look to Jesus

Oh how glorious is He

I hope this has shined some light!

Question for reflection: What part of Gods character do you love most and glorify Him for?

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