A Mirror Dimly (Post #20)


A Mirror Dimly

I see you through a mirror dim
But someday face to face
It’s blurry due to all the sin
That plagues our fallen race

Creation shows your artistry
And attributes as well
I gaze upon the stars and trees
Your glory is what they tell

My conscience is your witness
That both shows me wrong and right
The law is written on my heart
Because this inner light

Your Word is like fresh oxygen
I breathe from heavens heights
It testifies of your great son
On whom I’ve set my sights

But my knowledge is imperfect
As I look through darkened glass
I’ve all but scraped the surface
How much longer must this last?

I long for more than just this life    trusting heaven has it all
I’ll know You as I’m fully known
Before Your throne I’ll fall

So Father as I peer with blurry vision incomplete
I pray you’ll guard me till the day that Face to face we meet


(This poem was inspired by Romans 1:20, Romans 2:15, 1 Corinthians 13:12)


I hope this has shined some light!

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