Accountability: A Case For Why You Desperately Need It. (Post #17)


Accountability is one of the greatest keys to spiritual growth. If you don’t already have it, you need to get it. If you’ve already got it, you need to keep it. And if you don’t believe it, keep reading and let me prove it.


Accountability is a system designed to keep us in check. The problem is we don’t always WANT to be kept in check. Our sinful nature causes us to hide from accountability, and to run towards self sufficiency and secrecy. We don’t want others to know whats really going on in our lives. Most of us would rather paint the picture that things are better than they really are, so that people won’t want to dig past the shallow outer layer of ourselves we hide behind.

The problem is without accountability, we naturally drift away from our main goal. If you’re trying to lose weight but don’t have accountability, you aren’t naturally going to drift towards a healthy diet. If you’re a recovering drug addict without accountability, you aren’t going to naturally drift towards sobriety. And if you’re a Christian without accountability, you aren’t naturally going to drift towards a life that honors Christ or a faith that perseveres till the end. I don’t want to see you drift, I want to see you anchored down in Christ.

I’m going to show you why we all desperately need accountability as Christians, and give you the biblical reasons behind it.

–Reason #1 You Need Accountability: To Be Loved And Known–

    The first reason I believe we all need accountability is because we all desperately desire to be loved and known. As Christians we know that we were fearfully and wonderfully made, and known by God from the womb. (Psalm 139) However, its easy to forget how much God loves us sometimes when we are caught up in the busyness of our daily lives.

The beauty of Christian fellowship and accountability is that we get to experience the love of God through others, and also get to experience the joy of being known as well. Knowing that other people are concerned and care about whats going on in your life is a great feeling. The more accountable you become, the more people will know the real you and be able to help you along in your journey.

–Reason #2 You Need Accountability: Encouragement

     I think I speak on behalf of everyone by saying we could all use a little more encouragement in our lives. . 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing“. We are told to encourage and build one another up. Why? Because we get broken down by unfulfilling jobs, difficult relationships, health problems, financial issues, sad news reports, and the list goes on and on.

Since having Christian accountability means people love and know you, it then allows for them to encourage you in the ways you need encouragement. Anyone can offer a kind hearted cliche in times of trouble, but it takes intimate knowledge of one another’s situations to be able to give a true custom crafted word of encouragement. Proverbs 15:23 says, “Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!” To be able to give or receive a word of encouragement suitable for the situation, you must have accountability.

–Reason #3 You Need Accountability: To Lighten Your Burdens

    Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Not only do we need love and encouragement, but we need help with the burdens we carry. As Paul wrote in Galatians, we are commanded to bear one another’s burdens. This simply can’t happen without accountability. If someone doesn’t know what your burdens are how can they help you carry them?

What does bearing one another’s burdens look like? It looks like praying for one another, and being there for one another during hard times. It looks like giving and receiving Godly counsel and wisdom. It looks like being pointed towards Christ, who said, “come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11) Regardless of what your burden may be, we all have them. Without Christian accountability, the burdens can become unbearable and the weight can really weigh on your soul.

–Reason #4 You Need Accountability: To Be Challenged–

    This may be the most important reason we all desperately need accountability. Most of us have a hard time challenging ourselves and following through with the commitments we make. We often over promise and under deliver on the goals we set for ourselves. If this weren’t true personal trainers would be losing their jobs left and right. We tend to gradually become okay with letting ourselves down over time, but when someone else is involved the game changes. We don’t want someone else knowing how lazy we are and to think we’re someone who never follows through, so accountability is a great way to counter our natural tendencies.

In regards to Christian accountability, being challenged often takes the form of someone whose willing to confront you about your sin and destructive choices. Unfortunately we live in an age in which confronting someone about their sinfulness is looked down upon and deemed judgmental.  Don’t get me wrong, being critical and judging someone with no intention of helping them is sinful, but the Bible ALSO says its okay when its done out of gentleness and with the intention of restoration. In other words there’s a sinful type of judgement and a godly type. Galatians 6:1 says, “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any sin, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.”

Apparently its not only okay to confront someone about their sin, but its commanded! God instructs us to reach out to one another when we are caught in sin, and in gentleness to rebuke and restore. Proverbs 27:5 says, “Better is an open rebuke than hidden love”.  A brother or sister who is willing to give you an open rebuke is better than the person who hides their love by not saying anything, or worse yet actually approves of it.  If you have someone like this in your life, praise God for them! People like this are hard to come by, and you should keep them close by your side. True love is expressed by doing whats best for someone else, and even though its going to sting and be uncomfortable, being confronted about sin so that you can repent and be restored is definitely whats best.


–Reason #5 You Need Accountability: Because God Says So–

That’s right, I just played the trump card. If you’ve been coming up with excuses as to why the first 4 reasons aren’t persuasive enough, as a Christian you should have a hard time dismissing this one. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

We are instructed not to neglect meeting together as was the habit of some in the first century church. Not a lot has changed since then. As sinful humans we risk being drawn away into isolation by the enemy in an attempt to steal our joy, accountability, and blessing we could be to the church through our gifts. If the devil can get us by ourselves, we’re an easier target. It breaks my heart when I hear Christians say, “My relationship with God is between Him and I, I don’t need a church”. Although I praise God that people like that have a relationship with Him, it grieves me that they are living in sinful disobedience to His word.  We are instructed NOT to neglect meeting together.


—In Conclusion—

So there you have it, 5 biblical reasons you desperately need accountability. If you’re wanting to know some practical ways to begin getting accountability, here are a few:

  • 1 on 1 accountability (prayer partners, meeting for coffee, ect…)
  • Lifegroups/Bible study groups (great way to have a small group of people who care for you and pray for you weekly)
  • Attending your churches Sunday school/Sabbath school classes and connecting with others there (this may not be as personal as a lifegroup, but you can meet people at class that you can develop accountability with)
  • Use your gifts to serve the church (not only are we instructed to use our gifts to serve a local church, but its a wonderful way to meet other people who are serious about growing in their faith and serving God)

Once you find someone or a group of people to have accountability with, here are a few things to actually account for: Bible reading, prayer life, struggles, praises, doubts, and questions. That’s not an exhaustive list of things you can have accountability for, but its a good start.

If you already have accountability with other Christians and are serving in a local church, I want to commend you and encourage you to keep it up! You have the opportunity to influence others into getting accountability and how its blessed you in your life.

If you don’t have accountability yet, I hope that this article has stirred up your heart with conviction to get it. My prayer for you is that God will help you find solid Christian accountability, and that you will begin to grow in faith and holiness through it. I know its hard stepping out of your comfort zone and being vulnerable towards others, but God will honor your obedience and bless you in ways you can’t imagine.

Thanks for taking the time to read and consider what I’ve said. I hope this has shined some light!


2 thoughts on “Accountability: A Case For Why You Desperately Need It. (Post #17)

    1. Thank you! And of course you can reblog it 😁 it’s all about shining Christ’s light to as many people as possible, and learning about biblical accountability hopefully will help people!


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