Amazing Grace: A Short Poem (Post #12)

amazing grace

I feel like a lot of people don’t understand exactly what grace is 

So I’ll tell you what grace means to me…

 Grace is what God had planned to give before creation

Up in heaven getting ready to begin the mission called “Salvation”

A race of sinful humans plus His son for the equation

And this all happened before The Lord even started earths formation

Before Eve ever said to Adam “here eat it you’ll be fine”

The plan of grace was already set in stone for human kind

A more intimate never ending perfect love you’ll never find

Because He keeps chasing down His sheep until the day that they collide

He formed the stars up in the solar system and clouds floating in the sky

And while He was forming Adam He already had a plan for Christ to die

To us its hard to understand and leaves us asking why

His love just keeps on going like the numbers after pi

Once Jesus went to the cross and paid the price for what we do

He said “it is finished” because the war on sin was finally through

Although the war is over battles are still waging ever day

The devil is attacking more than ever and hoping we don’t pray

 Because when we close our eyes and bow our heads and say our prayers

The power of God surrounds us and protects us from Satans snares

Of course being human means that we will fall and fall some more

But those who wait upon The Lord will rise back up and soar

 So when you sin and feel so bad like you don’t deserve Gods grace

Remember that while Jesus hung on the cross He was taking your rightful place

It’s always going to be hard to understand this kind of love

All we can do is open our hearts to receive it from above

 I want to finish by giving you this final piece of advice

The penalty for sin is death but Jesus paid the price

So when you make a bad choice and afterwards you feel so down

That’s coming from the devil not our king who wears the crown

 Satan wants you to think you’ve lost the progress that youve made

He’ll try to convince you of it like a broken record being played

So when you question if your sins have really been erased

I pray you know of course they are because that my friend is grace !

If you have not yet made Jesus your Lord and Savior, Repent and place your faith in Him! Turn from your sin that’s condemning you to Hell before our Holy God and trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross and the salvation He offers to all who come to Him!

I hope this has shined some light!

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