The Galactic Engineer (Post #8)


 The artist had in mind a perfect picture He could paint

He presented it to His pupils and they praised Him as a saint

Never had there ever, been a project quite the same

So they asked about it’s title and He chose “Creation” as its name

The plans were set in place and the colors were all brought

A canvas blank in front of Him 

To showcase what He’s  got 


He picked up the brush and with one stroke made a universe appear

Added in some stars and planets like a galactic engineer 

He took His time fine tuning all the details as He went 

As His pupils watched in awe at the masterpiece He would Invent 

finishing up the painting He stepped back and had a thought 

He said “Its just about complete but there’s still one thing I forgot”

The pupils were confused and said “but master it looks great”

With brush In hand He replied “there’s still life I must create” 

So He painted a special planet and gave it the name of Earth 

Made it so that it could support the life that He would birth 


With all His skill and expertise He made it full of life 

Then added in a human and a companion to be his wife 

He had worked on this great masterpiece for days and needed rest

So He sat back and thought of all His art and knew this was His best

The pupils all applauded and asked “now it’s finished how do you feel?”

He smiled and knew that it was good, then spoke and it was real


I hope this has shined some light! Like and share if you enjoyed this, and follow my blog for post updates! Thanks and may God bless you!




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