Solving the Puzzle of Life (Post #5)


As human beings we are born like puzzles. Our life is the box, and our characteristics and choices make up all the pieces. We have no idea what the final masterpiece looks like. All we have is a box full of mix matched pieces, and the desire to have them put together the right way.

As we go through life we learn more and more about ourselves, and are able to put some of the pieces together to form something that looks like part of the picture. However, we often get frustrated and give up at times because the corners don’t fit together, or pieces are missing. I’m here to tell you the only way to have our lives pieced together in perfect harmony is through Jesus Christ.

He is the ultimate puzzle solver. In fact Hebrews 1:3 says, “And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high“. This passage clearly teaches that not only is Jesus the exact image and nature of God, but that He holds all things together by His power and is sitting at the right hand of God ruling with total power. Isn’t this the kind of person you want holding all the pieces of your life together?

Not only does He solve the puzzles of our lives, but he is the creator who knows how the pieces best fit. Before we were even a single little piece or even had our box for that matter, He knew exactly how our master piece would turn out. Each and everyone of us unique, beautiful, and one of a kind. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 139:13, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb“. Although God has uniquely crafted each of us at birth, we still unfortunately have the choice to not let Him have any part in our lives.

     Its a tragedy how many people think they can put themselves together without His help and end up looking nothing like the intended picture on the front of their box. Perhaps its just that sometimes people simply don’t know how to let Jesus fix them. I used to be one of those people. I guess in some ways I was a little like both types of people. I used to make selfish choices and do things my own way which is not what God wants of us. Even though I was raised as a Christian I never really knew how to surrender myself to Jesus. Looking at what the Bible teaches and how it matches up with my experience, its clear that the main barrier between God and I was my sin. Now that I’ve placed my faith in Christ as my Lord and Savior, He has forgiven me of my sins and made me a new creation and I can tell others how to give their mixed up puzzles over to Him.

     Its simple, start by giving God a piece or two and watch what He does with them. Even one tiny little corner piece can make a huge difference in your life. God only needs a little to do a lot. Every piece or aspect of our life we fully hand over to God, the more clear and wonderful the bigger picture gets. Sometimes its hard for us to let go of certain pieces. Things that are bad habits or random sins you only commit every once in a while. The thing about holding back things from God is that the work He is doing in your life comes to a halt. The bigger picture gets harder to finish because there are missing pieces that are essential to its completion. I know from personal experience how hard it can be to give yourself totally over. There is always that one thing that is kind of your sin of choice, and it may not even seem to you that its all that serious. You may be still holding lying, or pride, or sexual immorality, or addiction, or gossip, or whatever your vice may be, all because you feel like giving whatever it is over to God could leave you with a gaping hole in your life. Let me tell you from experience, giving up those things to God allows Him to use the beautiful pieces He wants and has to fill the void. What God blesses you with in return will be far greater than whatever it was you were holding onto.

Sometimes you will get discouraged, and expect your picture to be coming along faster than it is. Be patient and give God time to work it out. We are all a work in progress, and He promises never to stop working on us until we are completed. As the famous verse in Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” This comes as a beautiful promise to those of us who sometimes stumble through this journey of growing closer to God. It comes as an encouragement that God is the one working in us helping us to persevere through the hard times. On the day He has finished each of us into the beautiful works of art that we are, we will be hung in Heaven as masterpieces in His mansions as we get to enjoy eternity with Him.

If you have already been enjoying fellowship with Jesus in this way, praise God, I hope this post encouraged you, but if you are not enjoying a relationship with Christ you can begin now to experience His saving power and be purified of your sins by simply repenting and placing your faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. I hope this has shined some light!


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